Figure 1. Seismic tomographic sections through Earth showing; A. Current Plate tectonics model and B. EagleEye structural geology data.
This is the first post after a 4 month sabbatical over to Tasmania and back towing our 24 foot trailer sailer as a boatavan 🙂 A lovely time.
Below is the Abstract sent for inclusion in the 6th International Archaean Symposium to be held in Fremantle 25-27 July 2023. The AusIMM webinar I did on this new research can be seen on the AusIMM website or on
This webinar covers in detail many of the topics of the formation of the Archaean to be discussed at the 6IASymposium and would be a magnificent ‘foil’ to the ‘incremental – accepted – mainline’ talks that I can see on the program.
To summarise – Over the last 30 years increasingly successful experimentation using structural recognition and structural definition software programs to look at Earth’s geological structure (, and Bob Watchorn YouTube channel) has developed into the EagleEye system.
This has enabled ‘MRI type Earth structural geolog’y from the surface to the Inner Core to be obtained. What has been discovered changes the fundamental precepts of Plate Tectonics.
Research Findings.
Everywhere Earth has been examined by EagleEye there is evidence of a brittle geological lithospheric environment down to the Outer Core. There is also abundant evidence of continental scale block movement.
This block movement is generated from the core to the surface, as the plate margins extend to the core (see figure 1 B). There is no evidence of a mobile mantle or ‘lava-lamp’ type plumes. This new structural geology suggests the current model of ‘Plate’ Tectonics is flawed and a new ‘Block’ Tectonics model is proposed. Thus, are the 6IAS talks missing some vital ingredients??
Earth Evolution – new Watchorn model.
The structural data (figure 1, B) suggests that Earth was much colder (space dust at – 100 °C) than the current semi-molten model and re-formed as a solid after the Theia impact at 4.47 Ga spalled off the moon.
There is strong evidence of giant impact structures (formed during the Extended Late Heavy Bombardment, ELHB, 4.47 – 3.6 Ga) occurring down to the seismic discontinuity at 600 km depth. Many of these ring structures are still undeformed suggesting much of Earth has not undergone major tectonism in the last 3.6 Ga.
It is suggested that the mass of the giant subductions around the original Theia Impact in the Pacific Ocean have, and are, being ‘scraped off’’ by the much hotter Outer Liquid Core. the ‘Outer Core is then pressurised releasing heat and mass back up the internal plate margins to the surface. This is a new concept and has big implications for world mineralisation. It is suggested the first major tectonism occurred at 3 – 2.6 Ga forming the first worldwide mineralisation events.
View the detailed images pertaining to all of these concepts in the webinar video
New paradigms for mineralisation are investigated in the next geotreks post.
Over the next few months I will be talk-texting this webinars on to geotreks, along with the 60 figures so a permanent, more digestible, record is available.
Bob Watchorn