I was interested to see if my EagleEye enhancement method could enhance MagnetoTelluric data.
The above and following sections show that they are very amenable to EagleEye enhancement. This opens up huge possibilities for obtaining the structure of the Earth and for exploration targeting as MT plans and sections are relatively cheap to obtain and display.
The above figure is an example of how I enhanced a portion of one of the MagnetoTelluric sections from Dr Naser Meqbel’s LinkedIn post of a rotating 3D MT model of the Cloncurry/Ernest Henry area https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6767696740440137728/?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A(ugcPost%3A6766526200878891008%2C6767696619266678784) .
Below is the interpreted section showing postulated shear zone and fault structural geology.
MagnetoTelluric section Cloncurry interpretation of shear zones and faults. These sections can be interpreted and modeled in 3D and even 4D as some of the relative timing of the major faults can be ascertained. The two major faults seen in the Dr Naser Meqbel’s LinkedIn post show up very clearly.
Below is the interpreted section showing postulated antiformal structures. How theses relate to mineralisation I don’t know. Maybe the geoscientists in the area may be able to trace the structures to the mines – this is just a quick exercise to show what can be done to original sections the enhance the structural data.
MagnetoTelluric section Cloncurry interpretation antiformal structures. How these relate to mineralisation I don’t know. Maybe the geoscientists in the area may be able to trace the structures associated with the mines.
This is just a quick exercise to show what can be done to original MT sections the enhance the structural data. MT data can be very strongly enhanced and the known structures correlate with structures on the enhanced sections.