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Western Hemisphere seismic tomography at 175 to 550 km depths showing giant ring structures. AusIMM webinar Part 10.

Figure 55. America, Europe and Africa area interpreted, enhanced seismic tomography showing geological structure and mines.

Figure 55. America, Europe and Africa area interpreted, enhanced seismic tomography showing geological structure and mines.

Figure 55 above. America, Europe and Africa area interpreted, enhanced seismic tomography showing geological structure and mines.

This figure summarises the gigantic ring structures seen in Africa, South America and North America from 170 to 550 km depth.

In Africa the largest ring is seen at 400 km depth in seismic tomography and the largest ring in South America at 175 km depth. In North America the largest ring was seen at 550 km depth and in Eastern Europe the largest ring is seen at 250 km depth.

The largest rings in all cases occur at the deepest tomography researched in each continent. This suggests that the largest impacts happened very early, probably from the formation of the earth 4.6 billion years ago, and that the 4.1 to 3 .8 billion-year-old Late Heavy Bombardment is only an end phase of the continuous bombardment from the formation of the earth.

It is suggested that the earlier biggest impacts are buried on the Earth, moon and other planets by the ensuing lavas and are thus not recorded. Until now these rings have not been able to be seen.

Evidence of correlation of ring structures between datasets shows in the Scandinavian  small rings at the 250 km depth dataset. These correlate with the rim of the large ring that is located in western Siberia in the world dataset at 200 km depth top-centre-right inset). There is the same correlation of small and super-large rings in Africa at 400 km depth (centre-right), South America at 175 km depth (lower-centre-left) and North America at 550 km depth (upper-centre-left).

These rings were generated from different data sets but correlate well.

Other evidence of this correlation is seen in the lower-central area of the figure where the outline of the same ring is seen in the 250 km depth world seismic tomography, in the 400 km depth African tomography and in the 175 km depth South American tomography.

This suggests that some ring boundaries are nearly vertical at this depth.

However, these rings should not exist in the Mobile Mantle at all. It is very clear that they do and there is no mobile mantle. Therefore, the  pivotal role of an Early and Late Heavy Bombardment in the evolution of an essentially rigid Earth needs total revision.

Current geological theory suggests that Earth was hot and had a very thin crust until ~4 billion years ago when the continents started accreting. The thin early crust and all evidence of Hadean impacts is supposed to have been obliterated. The crater rings are seen at all levels at least to 600 km depth so the Plate Tectonics hypothesis needs total revision in the light of this new evidence.

The presence of oceans, sedimentary rocks and the first stromatolite lifeforms also suggest the Earth was cool and stable at the surface before 4 billion years ago.

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Bob Watchorn


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