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North America enhanced 550 km depth seismic tomography plan and cross section 36N. Part 11.

Figure 56. North America interpreted, enhanced seismic tomographic plan at 550 km depth and section showing mines and mineralisation pathways from core to surface.

Figure 56. North America interpreted, enhanced seismic tomographic plan at 550 km depth and section showing mines and mineralisation pathways from core to surface.

Figure 56. North America interpreted, enhanced seismic tomographic plan at 550 km depth and cross-section 36N showing mines and mineralisation pathways from core to surface.

Earth’s Hadean structure. This figure shows a cross section across North America at 36N (from an original fuzzy image from Fuston and Wu. 2020) and its intersection with the 550 km depth seismic tomography image. The white line is the intersction.

The plan shows the 5,000 km diameter Dakota ring (Dk white), the 3,000 km Lake Superior ring (Ls yellow) and the 1,000 km Nevada ring (Ne yellow dashes).

On the left-hand side of the section the downward facing arc (yellow dashes) at 550 km lies right under the Nevada ring structure which we have been following down from the surface. This suggests that some of the largest rings at the surface may be ghosts, or Palimpsests, of the biggest ring structures lying at 450 to 650 km depth.

Earth’s evolution. It’s probably no coincidence that at this 550 km depth the seismic tomography shows major discontinuities (450-650 km depth). These are probably the tops of Ultra-Large Igneous Provinces (ULIPs) formed from the earliest largest impacts. It is suggested that these impacts were associated with the planet-sized bolide impact 4.56 billion years ago that spalled off the moon.

This also suggests that the start of the Late Heavy Bombardment commenced soon after the separation of the Earth and moon and not at 4.1 billion years as is now recorded. The current timeframe is based on dating of the earliest craters visible on the moon. I have enhanced the moon and older buried, larger ring structures under these dated craters are seen.

Earth’s mineralisation. The cross-section shows strong structural pathways from the core at 5,000°C, to the surface at 20°C. The core is where I believe the mineralising fluids forming the mines ascend from. The wavy pathways up which these fluids may travel can be seen in the section (yellow dashed lines), and correlate to the trends of the mines at the surface.

Where to from here? There are hundreds (thousands) of seismic tomographic, MT, gravity, magnetics and other data plans  and cross sections covering the  continents and oceans at various depths all over the Earth.

If my EagleEye system (or a better, similar system) were used on these plans by the general geoscience industry to get the detailed structural geology of the earth, from the surface to the core, a huge advance in our knowledge of Earth, and mineralisation, would occur.

I’m constantly ‘amazed’ by the inertia (there are more descriptive words) of the geoscience fraternity (or sorority) to venture outside their self imposed little boxes!

Come on female geoscientists – as the Fraternity has been slow to realise the potential of worldwide structural geology – maybe the Sorority can take the lead ??

Happy Hunting whatever your sexual inclination (as it is worded these days) 🙂 🙂 .



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