Genesis of the Continents and their Mineralisation. Bob Watchorn’s AusIMM talk Bunbury 3rd October 2019
Robert Watchorn
Genesis of the Continents and their Mineralisation.
The following images are a selection from the talk I will be giving on the Genesis of the Continents and their Mineralisation at Bunbury Mercure Sanctuary Resort For the AusIMM South West Branch on 3rd October 2019.
If you want to register for the talk the link is below.
The slides are self explanatory and I will be following up the talk with new papers on this website.
Come to the talk, or if that is impossible for 99.9% of you then see it on the AusIMM website when it is published. I guarantee it will change the paradigm by which you view the Genesis of the Continents and their Mineralisation and how to target your exploration for minerals.