This webinar will showcase the structural geology of inner Earth as you have never seen it before! register on—livestream-evolution-of-earth-by-bob-watchorn/
My other AusIMM webinars are at,
You will be guided on a surface tour all over the Earth, verifying the EagleEye detailed structural geology. When this is complete you will view the Southern and Northern hemisphere sections’ geology. They are finally reduced to viewing it all on two single images (see southern hemisphere image above).
This has never been done or seen before. All earth scientists should be able to interpret these plans. See if you come to the same conclusions that I express in the webinar :). I would be particularly be interested in Curtin University’s Space Troup (my alma mater) , Phil Bland and Ravi Patel’s interpretation of my data! You are also trying to “unravel the origins and evolution of our solar system” Any comments guys? You’ll need to view the Webinar (and others) first though to be able to comment sensibly.
Cheers Bob