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Focus on Innovation, AusIMM South West WA Branch – Bob Watchorn Lecture on the genesis of the Archaean cratons and exploration targeting

Earth Archaean cratons researched by Bob Watchorn.

Focus on Innovation, AusIMM South West WA Branch – Bob Watchorn Lecture on the genesis of Archaean cratons and the implications for exploration targeting

Visualise 1000 km diameter giant ring and linear structures in intricate detail. Acquire a new paradigm of mineral targeting that highlights huge areas of exploration potential not outlined by the current focus on the top 30 kilometers of the crust.

As part of the AusIMM’s Focus on Innovation Bob Watchorn presented his 3rd lecture at the AusIMM Southwest WA Branch in Bunbury on the 3rd of October 2019.

This lecture builds on previous AusIMM lectures given on the 25th of August 2013 and the 4th of April 2019 and should be viewed in conjunction with these lectures. August 2013  and April 2019


Australian Seismic Tomography at 150 km with three generations of giant ring structures.

The geology of the crust and lithosphere and the formation of mineral systems in Australia, North America and North China is observed as never before.

This geological tour is made possible for the first time by Bob’s unique Eagle Eye image enhancement techniques in which geological details as fine as 5 km width can be seen at 300 km depth. Most importantly, these detailed structures correlate in plan, section and across multiple data sets.

Visualise 1000 km diameter giant ring and linear structures in intricate detail. See the surface on detailed structural Landsat plans,then descend through 75, 150, 225, 250 and 300 kilometers levels on seismic tomographic plans. Compare these structures to the Moon mares! For a more detailed look at the basics of the tour visit

Abseil down 300 km high seismic tomographic cliffs and investigate the Yilgarn’s world famous Kalgoorlie gold, Kambalda nickel, Pilbara iron, Mount Isa copper-lead-zinc, Broken Hill silver-lead-zinc, Olympic Dam copper-gold-uranium, Canada’s Abitibi belt gold-copper-lead-zinc and China’s fabulous gold systems. Trace their fluid source at 300 kilometers depth to their surface outcrop. See the structures that focus these fluids. Pinpoint the source of each field’s characteristic mineral assemblage.

Put on your ‘out of the box-left and right field-4D goggles’ and acquire a new paradigm of mineral targeting that highlights huge areas of exploration potential not outlined by the current focus on the top 30 kilometers of the crust.

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