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Rainfall pattern of 16th August forms 2,000 km long ‘Riedel Shear’ structure?? How could this form?

Atmospheric Riedel shear in Western Australia with Riedel diagrams

Atmospheric Riedel shear in Western Australia with Riedel diagrams

The above BOM radar plan was seen on the night of 16th August 2022. Beautiful 🙂

It has the appearance of a 2000 km long Riedel Shear structure (see insets) extending from the NW of Western Australia to SE of Esperance!!!!

We were out Yalgoo way doing some prospecting and looking at the wonderful wildflower displays. Carpets of yellow, white, mauve, cream and pink everlastings as far as the eye could see.

Yalgoo wildflowers 2022

We were camped about 300 metres from the main back road to Dalgaranga and had wended our way through trees over the fields of wildflowers. After dinner and a few drinks we retired. About 2 am it bucked down and we were on pea soup country. When it gets wet it turns to slippery peas soup! The ground looked like a lake as I guided John and Pattie Liebich out and he did the same for me. We’d have been there for days otherwise. Life is never dull 🙂

This is in the very fluid atmosphere!! I have often seen huge linears when in planes but this beats them all! Any suggestions on how this could form???

Figure 1. Atmospheric Riedel shear in Western Australia.

The above comments, beside the image, are pertinent to my research on the interior of  Earth.

The structures I observe from the crust to the mantle are brittle. There is a contradiction with the current Plate Tectonics hypothesis that invokes a totally mobile mantle as it’s mechanism?

As can be seen above what would be classified as brittle structures can form in the most fluid of mediums – air.

Thus one objection to my very real ‘deep earth’ structures is nullified.

This makes my various hypotheses more credible – at least they are based on real structures not mathematical models – this is a huge improvement as ‘a picture is worth a million numbers’ 🙂 .

Remember that the structures I outline are not presented anywhere else. Thus the skepticism? Where they can be verified (Chicxulub, African Rift, Yilgarn Wiluna/Norseman antiform, Mid Atlantic Ridge and many other locations) they are accurate.

Just think of these atmospheric ‘brittle’ structures next time you believe that some structures are impossible 🙂



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