O'Driscoll GRS in Australia

O’Driscoll GRS – dimensions, age, targeting potential.

O’Driscoll GRS research on; dimensions, genesis, age and targeting potential. O’Driscoll giant ring structure (GRS) is named to honour Tim O’Driscoll for his ground breaking, paradigm changing – still controversial … [Read More]

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Watchorn GRS seismic tomography 30s

YW #6. Watchorn GRS correlation to craton base and seismic tomography 30˚ S. New exploration paradigm.

Watchorn GRS size, genesis and mineralisation Watchorn GRS is examined using seismic tomography in plan and section to help determine its size, genesis and mineralisation potential. Seismic tomography offers the … [Read More]

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Watchorn probable impact structure research

YW #5 Watchorn Probable Impact Structure – relationship to mineralisation. Landsat, Radiometrics, Gravity and Seismic research 1999 – 2018.

The 700 km diameter Watchorn Probable Impact Structure, prima facies evidence in ELV 071 core, relationship to mineralisation, Landsat, Radiometrics, Gravity and Seismic research 1999   –  2018.

The following evidence suggests Watchorn probable impact structure is an impact structure. The morphometric dimensions of an impact structure of 700 km maximum diameter are observed in Landsat, topographic, gravity, radiometric and seismic data. Prima facies evidence of impact is seen in ELV 071 core which is located on the strong Leonora inner ring.

This paper is the culmination of nearly 50 years research of the Yilgarn by the author. It will change the fundamental way in which the geology of the Yilgarn is viewed and explored.

Watchorn 450 km diameter Wiluna ring, seismic sections , comparison with Chicxulub seismic section.
Watchorn 450 km diameter Wiluna ring plan, prima facies evidence in ELV 071 core seismic sections and comparison with Chicxulub seismic section.

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