Watchorn GRS Landsat Tomographico inset

YW # 7. Watchorn giant ring structure – summary of the plan evidence (0-50km depth) of an impact origin.

Watchorn giant ring structure (GRS) location. Watchorn giant ring structure is centered 40 kilometres NNE of Leonora, at longitude 121°25¢ and latitude 28°25°S. The bones deep beneath the thin skin … [Read More]

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Geochronology Cauden Seismic 91 egf 01

YC # 4 Geochronology, structure and mineralisation of Cauden GRS, Eastern Goldfields, Yilgarn Craton.

Geochronology, Cauden GRS structure and mineralisation, Eastern Goldfields, Yilgarn Craton. Cauden GRS location and size. The centre of the 370km diameter Cauden giant ring structure (GRS) is located at 31˚ … [Read More]

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Barrambie uranium targeting topo and palaeochannels

YB #2. Uranium and Vanadium mineralisation in the Yilgarn and its correlation with Barrambie giant ring structure.

Uranium Vanadium mineralisation in the Yilgarn and its correlation with Barrambie giant ring structure. Location and size. Barrambie giant ring structure (GRS) centre is near the Barrambie mining centre at … [Read More]

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