Carlin district ultra-detailed tomography at 300 km depth with mines overlaid.

Western Australian, Yilgarn Craton mineral mineral fields and the Carlin/Battle mountain/Butte/Bingham Canyon area in Western USA. Comparing exploration targeting in these fantastically mineralised areas with Africa (section 8).

Research of the tomography of the African continent at 300 km depth. In this section we will be looking at the Australian Yilgarn Craton mineral fields and the Carlin/Battle mountain/Butte/Bingham Canyon area in Western USA using tomography at 300 km depth. We will compare exploration targeting in these fantastically mineralised areas with Africa at 300 km depth seen in the previous section.

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Africa tomographic and Tomography at 300 km depth

Part 7. African Continent Evolution research using ultra-detailed Landsat and Seismic Tomography from surface to 2,900 km depth. Implications for Plate Tectonics, continent formation and the genesis and targeting of mineralisation

African Continent Evolution research using ultra-detailed Seismic Tomography at 300 km depth. Implications for Plate Tectonics, continent formation and the genesis and targeting of mineralisation

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African seismic tomography at 215 km depth showing ultra- detailed structure association with mines, rings and linears.

Part 6. African Continent Evolution research using ultra-detailed Landsat and Seismic Tomography from surface to 2,900 km depth. Implications for Plate Tectonics, continent formation and the genesis and targeting of mineralisation. © Bob Watchorn July 2020

Africa is a rich source of minerals. The main mining fields in Africa are located on the ring structures and linears from the surface right to the limits of detailed data at 400 km depth. The mechanism and source of the fluid for most mineralisation may have been discovered by this research.

This Part 6 section describes the relationship of the metal and diamond mineralisation to the linear and ring structures observed in African seismic tomography at 170-250 km depth. Africa is a rich source of minerals. The main mining fields in Africa are located on the ring structures and linears from the surface right to the limits of detailed data at 400 km depth.

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