Magdala mine workings with interpreted Magnetics and uninterpreted magnetics from the showing the Stawell goldfield.

Stawell gold mining area; Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of magnetics in plan and section.

Victoria, Stawell gold mining area; Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of magnetics in plan and section.

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Watchorn EagleEye enhanced seismic section 97 AGS V2 - 20 km N of Stawell

Stawell Goldfield; Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of magnetics in plan and section. Part 1, Regional magnetics section interpretation.

Stawell Goldfield; Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of magnetics in plan and section. Part 1, Regional magnetics section interpretation.

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Paynes find magnetics

Paynes-Find 600 km Giant Ring Structure. Radiometrics of GRS is a Metallogeny Districts indicator. Relationship of GRS to Late Heavy Bombardment. Correlation and targeting of gold Mineralisation.

Paynes-Find 600 km Giant Ring Structure in magnetics, Landsat, gravity, topography and seismic.   Radiometrics of GRS is a Metallogeny Districts indicator.  Relationship of GRS to Late Heavy Bombardment. Correlation and … [Read More]

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