Figure 2. Australia EagleEye enhanced magnetic data from Blewett LinkedIn post.

Australian Aeromagnetics, EagleEye, enhancing a continental magnetics image to define Yilgarn structural geology (part2).

Richard Blewett in a LinkedIn post wrote of this magnetic image of Australia  ….. Australia is blessed with a remarkable geophysical coverage of high-quality free pre-competitive data ….. For a … [Read More]

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AirGeoX EagleEye comparison of 10m spaced Magnetics

Comparison of AirGeoX’s filtering method and Watchorn EagleEye method of obtaining structural geology from Magnetic images.

EagleEye structural geology ultra-enhancement of magnetics image from AirGeoX’s LinkedIn post. There is a comparison between the filter method and my structural recognition program EagleEye method of a 10m spacing magnetics survey

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