Pacific - South America 20°S - Africa 5°N enhanced seismic tomographic section. Early, possible heat flow, undulose, linear structures shown.

AusIMM Webinar. South America – Africa seismic tomography oblique section 15°S through 5°N (Part 12)

This is the first time a detailed structural geology section down to the outer core has been published from the Pacific Ocean to Africa. Compare Figure 62 with the following ones that used my EagleEye ultra enhancement!

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Global Earth structurally enhanced seismic tomographic plan of the mantle core boundary at 2850 km depth. Linears, rings and continents overlain.

Global seismic tomography structural geology at 2,850 km depth and its relationship to the surface continents (part 10)

Global seismic tomography 2,850 km depth. Structural geology and its relationship to the surface continents. Watchorn ‘working’ hypothesis on the Earth core to crust movement over the last 4 billion years.

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