South America structural domain seismic tomography plan at 200 km depth (middle-lithosphere) comparison with Venus Ribbon Tessera terrain.

Seismic tomography diamond targeting exercises in South America  and  correlation of the crust/lithospheric structure of Earth and Venus (South American AusIMM webinar Part 5).

Seismic tomography diamond targeting exercises in South America and correlation of the crust/lithospheric structure of Earth and Venus.

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South America Topography with rings and mines

South American Continent research (Part 2) using ultra-detailed Topography, Magnetics and Gravity. Implications for Plate Tectonics, continent formation and the genesis and targeting of mineralisation.

South American Continent research (Part 2) using ultra-detailed Topography, Magnetics and Gravity. Implications for Plate Tectonics, continent formation and the genesis and targeting of mineralisation.

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