Figure 5d. Julimar area, EagleEye Structural geology showing Julimar NNE trending complex

Julimar Area, confirmation of local structural geology. EagleEye geology obtained from continental magnetic data (part 5).

Figure 5d. Julimar area, EagleEye Structural geology showing Julimar NNE trending complex and its correlation with known geology. I will be giving an AusIMM webinar on global mineralisation systems and … [Read More]

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Figure 2a. Australia EagleEye enhanced magnetic data. NNE and ENE exploration tageting.

Julimar and Nova exploration targeting using Australia-wide magnetics with EagleEye structural geology enhancement (part 3).

The above figure shows the same EagleEye enhancement as Figure 2 in the previous post. I noticed that the strong, late, brittle NNE structures that Julimar is located on extend … [Read More]

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Figure 2. Australia EagleEye enhanced magnetic data from Blewett LinkedIn post.

Australian Aeromagnetics, EagleEye, enhancing a continental magnetics image to define Yilgarn structural geology (part2).

Richard Blewett in a LinkedIn post wrote of this magnetic image of Australia  ….. Australia is blessed with a remarkable geophysical coverage of high-quality free pre-competitive data ….. For a … [Read More]

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