Figure 6. EagleEye enhancement of Geophysical data.

Global Mineralisation and Exploration, is the EagleEye structural geology verifiable? (Part 2).

Figure 6 above. Comparison of original images with the EagleEye structurally enhanced images. The EagleEye exploration targeting tool gives the ability to generate true structural geology plans from base plans … [Read More]

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Figure 1. Earth Evolution second stage, Extended Late Heavy Bombardment ELHB.

EagleEye structures, real or artifact? Plate Tectonics, real or an artifact of mathematical modelling? ? Alternative title – shake hands with the Leprechaun 😊(part 1)

Figure 1. Earth Evolution second stage, Extended Late Heavy Bombardment forms upper 600 km of Earth. This paper is a reply to a LinkedIn comment on 21/04/23.    ….. What … [Read More]

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Figure 18, Earth seismic tomography enhanced from 60 - 1775 km depth.

Earth Evolution – The earliest massive bombardment forms huge ring structures (part 7).

What do these giant ring structures look like in plan view? Are they caused by the earliest massive bombardment at 4.57 Ga? The AusIMM webinar I did on this new … [Read More]

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