North American surface geology, geochronology, ring structures and tomography section B

NA #1. Geology of North America to 300 km depth using seismic tomography.

Geology of North America Geology of North America is discussed in this second of a series of papers. They describe the North American Craton structural geology, genesis and mineralisation from … [Read More]

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Australian Cratons from 75 to 300 km and seismic tomo sec A - A’

Australian Lithosphere research, seismic tomography of Archaean cratons from -75 to – 300 km depth

Australian Lithosphere research. Australian Lithosphere research of giant ring structures (GRS) from 75 km down to 300 km depth shows that they are an integral part of the structural geology … [Read More]

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Superior craton geology 60 km interp rings section A A'

CS #1. Superior Craton seismic tomography.

Superior Craton seismic tomography research at 60 km depth and WNW-ESE orthogonal section from Alaska to Lake Ontario and its correlation with Abitibi belt mineralisation. Superior Craton seismic tomography. This … [Read More]

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