Pacific - South America - Africa 26°S enhanced seismic tomographic section. Brittle structures shown extending to core.

South America – Africa seismic tomography section 26°S. AusIMM webinar part 13.

South American continent evolution is researched using ultra-detailed Landsat, and seismic tomography. Pacific – South America – Africa 26°S enhanced seismic tomographic section. Brittle structures shown extending to core.

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Magnetics showing Cross and Scotchmans and Magdala orebodies.

Stawell gold mining area; Part 4. Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of 100 times magnification of magnetics at the Magdala mine.

Stawell gold mining area; Part 4. Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of 100 times magnification of magnetics at the Magdala mine. Ultra enhanced enlarged images of regional data help exploration targeting.

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