6th International Archaean Symposium. Bob Watchorn Earth Geological and Mineralisation Evolution poster presentation notes.
Poster 1. Earth Evolution stages 1 – 3 (Theia impact to commencement of global tectonics). These are notes on the contents of my two poster sessions at the 6ias https://6ias.org/. … [Read More]
North America EagleEye enhanced gravity showing mines, rings and structural geology. (Part 16).
Figure 50a above. North America EagleEye enhanced gravity showing mines, rings and structural geology. A detailed examination of North America is on my Webinar at, https://www.ausimm.com/videos/community-event/south-west-wageoscience-society—digital-tech-talk-new-discoveries-in-the-structural-geology-mineralization–exploration-targeting-of-north-america/ North America is … [Read More]