Exploration Targeting and recent discoveries using Watchorn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth.

New discoveries correlate with Watchorn Exploration Targeting using Yilgarn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth.

Exploration targeting using Yilgarn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth. Analysis of where the new discoveries in the SW Yilgarn Craton correlate with Watchorn targeting from 3 years ago.

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South America enhanced Landsat plan and seismic tomographic section at 26°S. Linears and heat release system structures shown. The compression of the South American continent is depicted.

South American Continent Evolution research using ultra-detailed Landsat, Topography, Magnetics Gravity and Seismic Tomography from surface to 2,900 km depth. Implications for Plate Tectonics, continent formation and the genesis and targeting of mineralisation.

Webinar – South American Structural Geology. AusIMM South West branch. To register  – https://www.ausimm.com/conferences-and-events/community-events-details/south-american-structural-geology/?msdynttrid=k4Rk3ApHQ45vqpa_p9OKZ7CivyZtK33zsK1RXL2lgmQ Date: Tuesday 23rd, February 2021. Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm AWST, 12.00pm – 2.00pm (UTC+08:00) Illustrated Abstract … [Read More]

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