Global Earth Seismic tomographic plan at 200 km depth enhanced to show structural linear and ring domains. The rings and continents are overlain.

Global seismic tomography enhancement and structural interpretation at 200 km depth (South America Webinar Part 8)

Global seismic tomography enhancement and structural geology interpretation at 200 km depth (South America Webinar Part 8)

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Exploration Targeting and recent discoveries using Watchorn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth.

New discoveries correlate with Watchorn Exploration Targeting using Yilgarn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth.

Exploration targeting using Yilgarn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth. Analysis of where the new discoveries in the SW Yilgarn Craton correlate with Watchorn targeting from 3 years ago.

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