Examining the relationship of the henges and mines with the structural geology of the British Isles using EagleEye ultra-enhanced Landsat. Part11. 19 August 202223 July 2022 by Robert Watchorn The relationship of the henges and mines with the structural geology of the British Isles using EagleEye ultra-enhanced Landsat. Relationship henges mines with structural geology British Isles EagleEye Like it? Share it!
Verification of EagleEye enhancement method by cross-calibration with Falcon Geophysics imaging. Exploration Targeting using EagleEye. 16 July 202215 July 2022 by Robert Watchorn Verification of EagleEye enhancement method by cross-calibration with Falcon Geophysics imaging. Exploration Targeting using EagleEye. Like it? Share it!
Ancient mines and henges correlate in the British Isles! Great Orme mine floods Europe with copper from 1,800 – 1600 BCE! (Part 10) 14 July 2022 by Robert Watchorn Ancient mines and henges correlate in the British Isles. Great Orme mine floods Europe with copper from 1,800 – 1600 BCE! Like it? Share it!