Figure 9. Chronology of the dispersion of the megalithic stone builders after Gobeklitepe

How advanced, urbanised and extensive was European/SW Asian civilisation by 10,000 BCE. Part 3.

Figure 9 above. Chronology of the dispersion of the megalithic stone builders after Gobeklitepe These papers are an expansion of my AusIMM webinar—digital-tech-talk-geo-archaeology-correlation-between-civilisation–mining/  I believe only the 13,000 AusIMM … [Read More]

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Figure 5. The history and Anthropology of the stone rings in Europe

Who were our earliest European/South West Asian ancestors? Part 2 of copper mining kickstarting advanced urbanised civilisation..

Figure 5 (above). The history and Anthropology of the stone rings in Europe. View the webinar on ‘copper mining kickstarting civilisation’ at;—digital-tech-talk-geo-archaeology-correlation-between-civilisation–mining/ The oldest known stone circles (figure 5 … [Read More]

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