Genesis of Continents and Mineralisation

Genesis of the Continents and their Mineralisation. Bob Watchorn’s AusIMM talk Bunbury 3rd October 2019

Genesis of the Continents and their Mineralisation. The following images are a selection from the talk I will be giving on the Genesis of the Continents and their Mineralisation at … [Read More]

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Shaw GRA Abitibi comparisn

PS #1. Witwatersrand style gold targets? Shaw 220km diameter Giant Ring Structure discovered in East Pilbara Craton, Australia. Oldest Archaean Impact Structure?

Witwatersrand style gold targets? Shaw 220km diameter Giant Ring Structure discovered in East Pilbara Craton, Australia.  Oldest Archaean Impact Structure? Witwatersrand style gold! This paper is the first in a … [Read More]

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