Figure 5n. Kalgoorlie southern GM published Eastern and Western lodes and EagleEye structure.

Kalgoorlie Superpit correlation of EagleEye structural geology and mineralisation pipe with Clout published geology (part 5).

Figure 5n. Kalgoorlie southern Golden Mile published Eastern and Western lodes and EagleEye lode structure correlation.  Objective. This research looks at the Lode systems of the southern section of the … [Read More]

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Figure 5q. Chaffers Area. EagleEye structural geology and lode correlation.

Kalgoorlie Golden Mile, Chaffers Area. EagleEye structural geology at lode scale correlation (part 4).

Figure 5Q. Kalgoorlie Golden Mile, Chaffers Area. EagleEye structural geology and lode correlation. Objective. To get detailed structural geology at lode scale from the Australia wide magnetics. For instance, I … [Read More]

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Figure 5k. Kalgoorlie Golden Mile Superpit, possible conduit pipes for sulphide and Telluride mineralisation.

Kalgoorlie Golden Mile Superpit, possible conduit pipes for sulphide and Telluride mineralisation. Exploration targeting?(part 3).

Figure 5k.  Kalgoorlie Golden Mile Superpit, possible conduit pipes for sulphide and Telluride mineralisation. The image above is of the Kalgoorlie Superpit. There are two ovoid donuts observed that straddle … [Read More]

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