Figure 29. North America 60 km depth interpreted, enhanced seismic tomography showing linears and rings. Inset of world seismic tomography showing linears and rings.

AusIMM North America webinar part 4. Seismic tomography at 60 km depth showing the relationship of the mines to structural geology.

The video link for the AusIMM webinar is below. Look at this video – it will open your eyes to geology most geoscientists only dream about :)!—digital-tech-talk-new-discoveries-in-the-structural-geology-mineralization–exploration-targeting-of-north-america/ 6.    Seismic … [Read More]

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Figure 17. Enhanced gravity image of North America depicting the density of earth as topography showing linear and ring structures.

North America. Part 3. EagleEye gravity enhancement showing giant rings, linears and their correlation with mineralisation.

North America. Gravity enhancement showing giant rings, linears and their correlation with mineralisation.

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