6ias Poster 1 Earth evolution stages 1-3

6th International Archaean Symposium. Bob Watchorn Earth Geological and Mineralisation Evolution poster presentation notes.

Poster 1. Earth Evolution stages 1 – 3 (Theia impact to commencement of global tectonics). These are notes on the contents of my two poster sessions at the 6ias https://6ias.org/. … [Read More]

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Figure 23. NE Yilgarn Gruyere Tropicana Radiometric targeting.

NE Yilgarn, Yamarna Exploration Targeting using radiometrics, Western Australia. (Part 7).

Figure 23 above. NE Yilgarn Gruyere – Tropicana Radiometric targeting. This paper examines using radiometrics for targeting gold mineralisation. The above figure, from 2017, shows mineralisation targeting using radiometrics around … [Read More]

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Earth’s Evolution – updated perspective using structural geology from the surface to the core (Part 1 Abstract).

Figure 1. Seismic tomographic sections through Earth showing; A. Current Plate tectonics model and B. EagleEye structural geology data. This is the first post after a 4 month sabbatical over … [Read More]

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