6ias Poster 1 Earth evolution stages 1-3

6th International Archaean Symposium. Bob Watchorn Earth Geological and Mineralisation Evolution poster presentation notes.

Poster 1. Earth Evolution stages 1 – 3 (Theia impact to commencement of global tectonics). These are notes on the contents of my two poster sessions at the 6ias https://6ias.org/. … [Read More]

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Figure 23. NE Yilgarn Gruyere Tropicana Radiometric targeting.

NE Yilgarn, Yamarna Exploration Targeting using radiometrics, Western Australia. (Part 7).

Figure 23 above. NE Yilgarn Gruyere – Tropicana Radiometric targeting. This paper examines using radiometrics for targeting gold mineralisation. The above figure, from 2017, shows mineralisation targeting using radiometrics around … [Read More]

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Figure 22. Yilgarn Seismic tomography, 300 km depth. hotspot Exploration targeting.

8. Global Exploration techniques. Targeting in the Yilgarn Craton Western Australia (Part 6).

We will now get into the exploration targeting section of the talk and will start with Australia, down on the lower-right corner of the next figure. This plan shows the … [Read More]

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