Watchorn EagleEye enhanced seismic section 97 AGS V2 - 20 km N of Stawell

Stawell Goldfield; Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of magnetics in plan and section. Part 1, Regional magnetics section interpretation.

Stawell Goldfield; Mine Scale Exploration Targeting using EagleEye enhancement of magnetics in plan and section. Part 1, Regional magnetics section interpretation.

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Focus on Innovation, AusIMM South West WA Branch – Bob Watchorn Lecture on the genesis of the Archaean cratons and exploration targeting

Focus on Innovation, AusIMM South West WA Branch – Bob Watchorn Lecture on The genesis of the Archaean cratons and exploration targeting

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Mineralisation genesis targeting Abitibi

Mineralisation genesis and targeting in Australia, North America and China Synopsis of talk for AusIMM at Bunbury, 3rd October 2019

Mineralisation genesis and targeting (enlarge images to full screen). Mineralisation genesis and targeting are described in the second half of the AusIMM talk I gave on 3rd October in Bunbury, … [Read More]

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