Figure 43. Seismic tomography section from Sumatra to Nasca Plate with surface and 2775 plans.

Southern Hemisphere research from surface to core using Seismic Tomographic sections. Part 12.

In figure 40 (in part 11) we examined section M-N across Africa and noted that the lithosphere under Africa down to the Outer Core is brittle. Is this a one-off … [Read More]

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Figure 20. Earth Evolution second stage, Extended Late Heavy Bombardment ELHB.

Earth Evolution Second stage, 4.47 to 3.5 Ga. Extended Late Heavy Bombardment forms upper 600 km lithosphere (part 8).

Figure 20 above. Earth Evolution second stage, Extended Late Heavy Bombardment ELHB. My contention is that the Late Heavy Bombardment should be called the Extended Late Heavy Bombardment because there … [Read More]

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Figure 16. Earth Evolution first stage. Theia Impact scars 4.57 Ga

Earth Evolution, stage 1. Is there fact geological evidence of the 4.57 Ga Theia impact? Part 6.

The AusIMM webinar I did on this new research can be seen on the AusIMM website or on From now on these papers contains all new scientific information – … [Read More]

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