Figure 2. Plan of Earth's seismic tomography at 200 km with the studied Tomo section lines

Earth’s Evolution and new Earth Evolution paradigms – a revised view using EagleEye Data (part 2).

Introduction See my geotreks post for the abstract (part 1) to this series of papers. The AusIMM webinar I did on this new research can be seen on the … [Read More]

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Figure 1. A. Section through Earth. B. Africa section. C. South America section. D. Yilgarn Exploration Targeting

New paradigms in the Evolution of Earth’s Global Mineralising systems and related Exploration Targeting, using EagleEye Data (part 1 Introduction).

Figure 1. A. Section through Earth. B. Africa section. C. South America section. D. Yilgarn Exploration Targeting. This webinar covers in detail many of the topics of the Earth’s mineralising … [Read More]

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Earth’s Evolution – updated perspective using structural geology from the surface to the core (Part 1 Abstract).

Figure 1. Seismic tomographic sections through Earth showing; A. Current Plate tectonics model and B. EagleEye structural geology data. This is the first post after a 4 month sabbatical over … [Read More]

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