African ultra-detailed Seismic Tomography section D and detailed tomography from 60 – 2,900 km depth.

African Continent Evolution research using ultra-detailed Landsat and Seismic Tomography from surface to 2,900 km depth. Implications for Plate Tectonics, continent formation and the genesis (Part 12, seismic tomographic cross sections interpretation from Africa to South America).

This figure shows the datasets used to view the lithosphere under the African continent down to the Core Mantle Boundary at 2900 km. The lithosphere directly under Africa used Yuancheng … [Read More]

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Africa, Vertical stack of African Landsat, Section B and ultra-detailed Seismic Tomography from 60 - 400 km depth. Conceptual evolution of lithosphere on right hand side.

Part 11. A new concept of African evolution based on evidence from the surface to 2,900 km depth. Radical changes to the scale, timing and mechanism of Plate Tectonics are required.

A new concept of African evolution based on evidence from the surface to 2,900 km depth. Radical changes to the scale, timing and mechanism of Plate Tectonics are required.

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