New discoveries correlate with Watchorn Exploration Targeting using Yilgarn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth. 22 April 2021 by Robert Watchorn Exploration targeting using Yilgarn Seismic Tomography from 300 km depth. Analysis of where the new discoveries in the SW Yilgarn Craton correlate with Watchorn targeting from 3 years ago. Like it? Share it!
Radiometric Exploration Targeting in the Tropicana Gruyere Region, Western Australia 21 April 2021 by Robert Watchorn Radiometric Exploration Targeting in the Tropicana Gruyere Region, Western Australia. Using radiometric signatures to target for gold. Like it? Share it!
African continent Evolution from a structural geology viewpoint. Last post. Access to total paper of these posts and video link to webinar. 11 April 2021 by Robert Watchorn African continent Evolution from a structural geology viewpoint. Access to the total paper of these posts and the link to the video of the webinar. Like it? Share it!